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All Saints
> Trailblazers Senior Ministry
This ministry is designed to meet the needs of senior citizens with opportunities to socialize and obtain valuable information that affects their lives. Meetings are held every second Saturday at 10 a.m. in the Althea Holmes Center, 300 Ptolemy St., New Orleans (behind the church). Contact chairman Alvin Griffin, (504) 361-8835.
Ascension of Our Lord Church
> Silver Crusaders
Open to anyone, age 50 and older. Meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Piovan Parish Hall to socialize, support each other and to plan senior activities. Contact the parish office, (985) 652-2615.
Divine Mercy
> The Sociable Seniors
A fun-loving fellowship organization for those age 50 and older, the Sociable Seniors meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at noon. Members enjoy refreshments and bingo at each meeting. The Sociable Seniors donate groceries to the St. Anthony Ministry for the needy at Thanksgiving time. If you are interested in joining, call the parish office, (504) 466-5016.
Mater Dolorosa
New Orleans
> Enlightened Sages Meeting
Members, age 55 and older, gather on the first Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Parish House (behind the church) to meditate on the Sunday Gospel, followed by refreshments. Contact Brian Dufrene, (985) 414-1642.
> Thursday Rosary
Seniors pray the rosary on Thursdays in the Parish House after 8 a.m. Mass in the church. Sweets and coffee are served afterwards. Contact Joel Jurgens, (504) 650-6369.
Most Holy Trinity
> Holy Mackerels Club
Seniors gather for friendship, faith formation and fun. Meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month after the 4 p.m. Mass. Contact Vernon Sprawls, (504) 615-6970.
Our Lady of Divine Providence
> Silver Wings Senior Group
Seniors, age 55 and older, pray together, share information, help others, go to lunch, make local trips and have one major trip a year. Meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. Annual membership dues. Contact Janice Tassin, (504) 467-3571.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor
> Fatima Rosary Group
Meets every Monday at 4 p.m. at Badeaux Hall to pray the rosary.
Our Lady of the Lake
> Faith and Fun
For the over-50 age group. The objective is to be a community of faith-sharing and fun, to help and care for senior members and to contribute to the welfare of the parish. Members host crawfish boils, picnics, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner and other events. Meetings are every other month. Dues are $25 per year. Contact Leon Toups, (985) 624-3868.
People Program NOLA
New Orleans
The People Program is an educational non-profit that helps seniors stay active and learn together in more than 175 continuing education classes focusing on exercise, the arts, games and a myriad of intellectual pursuits. Initially founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph in New Orleans in 1974, the People Program is nondenominational and lists among its members a variety of ethnic, racial and religious groups. Each fall and spring semester, about 425 seniors, age 50 and over, pay an enrollment fee of $200 and take as many classes as they wish at two campuses (New Orleans Lakefront and Algiers) and virtually by Zoom. The course offerings include art, painting, crafts, photography, art appreciation; exercise, yoga, dance, meditation, Tai chi, Jin Shin Jyutsu; genealogy, languages, history, humanities, current events, finances; guitar, piano, violin; literature, poetry, spirituality, horticulture, wine; science, computers, medical health; sewing, quilting, crochet; games, bridge, canasta, Mahjongg, chess, table tennis, pickleball.
For more information and class listings, go to peopleprogram.org or call (504) 284-7678.
St. Agnes
> Boomers and Beyond
Open to seniors, age 50 and over. Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month in the Marquette Activity Center. Outings are planned almost every month to many different Louisiana attractions, parks, plays, dinners and cultural events. Meetings also include a small meal. Annual dues are $10. Parishioners from other churches are welcome. Contact the St. Agnes rectory, (504) 833-3366.
St. Andrew the Apostle
> SAGES (St. Andrew’s Gregarious Elders)
Parishioners, age 50 and over, meet on the third Monday of each month at 11 a.m. in St. Andrew Hall to hear a guest speaker. Entertainment and refreshments are included. Dues are $10 annually. Contact Karen Niklaus, (504) 392-4994.
St. Angela Merici
> Young at Hearts
Membership is open to St. Angela Merici parishioners age 55 and older. The goal of the organization is to provide for the spiritual, cultural and social enrichment for each member. Members also support parish activities and programs throughout the year. Meetings are at noon on the first Thursday of the month from September through May at Lakeshore Playground, Meeting Room No. 3 (across from the gym). Contact Darlene Cavalier at [email protected].
St. Anselm
> SAGA (St. Anselm Golden Agers)
SAGA is a social group for those age 55 and above. SAGA meets once a month on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for a luncheon at a local restaurant with an occasional guest speaker. Members assist the parish office and church throughout the year. New members are welcome. Call the parish office, (985) 845-7342.
St. Benilde
> Cher Amis
The Cher Amis social group is open to those age 50 and older. Meets once a month, except during the summer. Hospitality and activities, both on- and off-campus, are planned throughout the club year. Contact the parish office at (504) 834-4980.
St. Catherine of Siena
> Prime Time
Prime Time meets on the third Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. for bingo, lunch and discussion. Contact Jerry Alexander, [email protected], (504) 812-4959.
St. Charles Borromeo
> SCB Grandparents’ Club
Grandparents of St. Charles Borromeo School students and other family members help with fundraising and social activities to benefit the school. Annual dues are $10. Contact the school office, (985) 764-9232.
> Nifty 50s+
Senior social club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. Contact Joy Falgout, (985) 764-6383.
St. Clement of Rome
> Young Elders
Seniors, age 50 and older, meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. in the parish center. Members enjoy spirituality, socializing, refreshments and games at all meetings and occasional luncheons and speakers. They also enjoy a potluck lunch special once a year. Dues are $15 per year. For more information, contact Wendy Rogers, president, (504) 460-3080.
St. Edward the Confessor
> Hilltoppers
Membership is open to all Catholics, age 55 or older. There are monthly luncheon meetings and parish and community activities. Contact Kathy Lovecchio, (504) 931-5683.
St. Francis of Assisi
New Orleans
> OWLS Group
(Older Wiser Livelier Saints)
The group addresses the spiritual, social and cultural needs of parishioners, age 55 and older. Members participate in monthly meetings with speakers, day trips, Day at the Races, Oktoberfest and Christmas luncheon. For more information, call Melisa Rey, (504) 227-3766, or email [email protected]. All are welcome, from within the parish or the wider community.
St. Francis Xavier
> SFX Sharing Program
Comprehensive program for community seniors to exercise mind, body and spirit. Members can enroll in a variety of 18 classes, pop-up classes, luncheons, social activities and much more for one fee. The program includes exercise and strength-training classes, French, internet and effective cell-phone use, Louisiana law, senior talks, genealogy, spirituality of the Bible and watercolor painting. Games include barbu, bridge, canasta, gin rummy and three levels of Mahjongg. The program includes two semesters (spring and fall) and an abbreviated summer schedule taught by volunteer instructors. Cost for a new member is $55 for a calendar year (dues are not prorated) and $45 for a renewal member. Contact Carol Pritchard, (504) 835-6809 or [email protected].
St. Gabriel the Archangel
New Orleans
> Trumpeteers Bingo
Parish and community elders gather every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to play bingo with prizes, fellowship together with a light lunch, providing an opportunity for seniors to socialize and meet people with common interests. Contact Velez White, (504) 282-0296.
St. Genevieve
> Golden Age Club
Meets on the second Monday of the month at 1 p.m. Bingo and snacks are provided during meetings. A monthly bus trip helps raise funds for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Contact Claire Crawford, (985) 288-0504.
St. Jerome
Seniors are very active, serving as extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, ushers, ministers to the sick and lectors and serve on the Unity and Hospitality Committee as altar servers and in the Altar Society. Call (504) 443-3174 for information.
St. Joseph the Worker
> Young at Heart
The ministry is centered on parish life and offers numerous opportunities for spiritual growth, social interaction, intellectual development, community service and fun. Membership is open to anyone age 55 or older or whose spouse is 55 or older. For information, contact Ursula Allen through the parish office, (504) 347-8438.
St. Mary of the Angels
New Orleans
> Young at Heart Bingo
Group meets at noon on the third Thursday of the month for lunch and bingo with prizes. For more information, call the parish office, (504) 945-3186.
St. Matthew the Apostle
River Ridge
> JOY Ministry (Just Older Youth)
Join a vibrant senior community for persons, age 50 or older (or with spouses, age 50 or over), centered on parish life and offering numerous opportunities for spiritual growth, social interaction, intellectual development, community service and fun. For more information, contact Dianne Varisco, (504) 737-4537.
St. Peter
> Homebound Ministry
Elderly parishioners who are homebound and unable to attend Mass are brought Communion by extraordinary ministers of holy Communion. For information, call the rectory, (985) 892-2422.
> Homebound Prayer Warriors
The homebound of the parish are asked to be committed prayer warriors for the parish with a special intention specified each month, one of which is to pray for all of the parish’s ill or homebound. For information, call the rectory, (985) 892-2422.
> Eleventh-Hour Ministry
When the coordinator of the ministry is informed of imminent or recent death, calls are made to prayer ministry members who are asked to pray for the dying or recently deceased person. The rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet are the most frequently used forms of prayers. For information, call the rectory, (985) 892-2422.
> Young at Heart Ministry
Ministry of the parish whose members, age 55 and older, meet from August through May for social, spiritual and service events that foster family within the parish community. For information, call the rectory, (985) 892-2422.
St. Peter Claver
New Orleans
> SPC Young @ Heart Senior Ministry
This ministry is focused on events and activities that will enhance and encourage spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional growth in seniors. Meetings are held every first Monday of the month at 2 p.m. in the Ujima Center, 1019 N. Prieur St. Activities include, but are not limited to, field trips, a picnic, guest speakers, movie days, games and an annual Christmas gathering. Membership is open to parishioners, age 55 or older. Contact Adrian Francis, (504) 481-0430.
Sts. Peter and Paul
Pearl River
> GASPP (Grand Adults of Sts. Peter and Paul)
The objective of GASPP is to provide social and spiritual activities, such as a potluck on the first Monday of the month.
St. Rita
> Silver Trotters
A social and service organization for persons age 50 and older. The group offers potlucks, socials and bus trips throughout the year. Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month in the school gym at 7 p.m. Contact the church office, (504) 737-2915.
> Grandparents’ Club
The Grandparents’ Club helps grandparents become involved in the lives of their grandchildren through school functions. The group meets quarterly and helps with various activities throughout the school year. All grandparents are welcome. You do not have to have a student in the school or have to be a member of St. Rita Parish to participate. Contact the church office, (504) 737-2915.