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The Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of New Orleans has set up a memorial endowment fund to pay tribute to the legacy of Msgr. Ignatius Roppolo, who died April 29 after serving for nearly 60 years as a priest.
The memorial fund, established by Msgr. Douglas Doussan, Matthew Rousso and Father Douglas Brougher, will honor the self-sacrificing and generous way in which Father Roppolo ministered to the sick, the poor and exercised leadership as pastor and in other prominent positions in the local church.
The memorial fund’s creators said Father Roppolo was committed to lay leadership formation and enhanced collaboration between priests and lay leaders, and was constantly pursuing additional pastoral training for himself, while promoting the same for seminarians, permanent deacons, laity and priests.
Friends and colleagues said one of the hallmarks of Father Roppolo’s priesthood was his vision of a more inclusive church, as called for by the Second Vatican Council. Motivated by Christ’s own example that his disciples be servant-leaders, willing to wash the feet of others, Father Roppolo envisioned a church:
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