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NOLACatholic Parenting Podcast
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March 10-18
ST. ANN, Home and School Club meeting, March 11, 7:30 p.m., cafeteria. Men’s Club meeting, March 18, 7 p.m., cafeteria; City Park Night, March 22, 7-10 p.m. Talent show, March 23, 7 p.m., gym.
BROTHER MARTIN, 2013 alumni tennis tournament, March 15, UNO Tennis Center. Women’s check-in, 8:15 a.m., matches at 8:30 a.m.; men’s check-in, 10:15 a.m., matches at 10:30 a.m. Entry: $80 a team includes breakfast/lunch, snacks, balls, drinks. Registration deadline: March 11. www.brothermartin.com/alumni.
LOYOLA UNIVERSITY NEW ORLEANS, College of Business MBA program open house March 12, April 9, May 7, 6 p.m. Miller Hall, Room 112, 6363 St. Charles Ave. Registration recommended. Loyola’s MBA $50 application fee waived for attendees. Loyola’s MBA program follows the Baldrige Framework for Performance Excellence, [email protected].
ST. BENILDE, Home and School skate night for school students, March 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $5 a child. Airline Skate Center, 6711 Airline Drive, Metairie.
ST. DOMINIC, Mothers’ Club meeting, March 12, 7 p.m., cafeteria. Bring items for baskets to be raffled the parish spring fair April 7. 453-6460; [email protected].
ST. SCHOLASTICA ACADEMY, 29th annual Falaya Fling, March 16, 7-11:30 p.m., Castine Center at Pelican Park. Silent/live auctions, dinner, music by Harvey Jesus and Fire. Patron party: 6 p.m. Tickets: $65 a person. (985) 892-2540, ext. 104.
ARCHBISHOP CHAPELLE, and ACHS Parents’ Club, annual gala, March 16, 7:30 p.m. gym, 8800 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie. Ticket info on website, www.archbishopchapelle.org. Band: The Wiseguys. Also, St. Joseph’s Day Altar, March 18, noon blessing by Deacon Drea Capaci, then open for viewing until 8 p.m., closing with a recitation of the rosary; and again March 19 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., school gym, 8800 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie.
ST. MARY’S DOMINICAN, “Legacy Gala” and auction, food, music by the Benchwarmers, St. Mary’s Dominican Jazz Ensemble, March 16, 8-11:30 p.m.; patron party, 6:30-8 p.m., high school’s campus, 7701 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans.
CENTER FOR MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT, national workshop on Evangelizing Youth, March 12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Camp Abbey Retreat Center. Training opportunity for adults working in Catholic youth ministry and religious education.
NAIM, Kenner/St. Philip Neri chapter, monthly meeting for widowed persons, March 13, 7 p.m., St. Philip Neri Parishioners Center, 6500 Kawanee Ave., Metairie. 455-3334.
ST ALPHONSUS CHURCH, “Fun Under the Frescoes” – an Irish Extravaganza with the Crescent Celtic Band and McTeggart Irish Dancers, March 13, 6-8 p.m. Tickets: $10, includes three complimentary beverages. 2025 Constance St., New Orleans. stalphonsusneworleans.org, email [email protected].
MAGNIFICAT, 12th international leaders’ conference to promote women’s spiritual growth, “They Have No Wine: Mary Our Model of Faith,” March 14-17, Hilton New Orleans Airport, 901 Airline Drive, Kenner. Speakers: Sister Briege McKenna, Patti Mansfield, Johnette Benkovic, Carol Razza. Opening session with Father Francis Martin. Closing Mass celebrated by Archbishop Gregory Aymond. www.Magnificat-Ministry.Org. (205) 408-0308.
BORN TO RUN, Woman’s New Life Center annual 5K race and 1K fun run, March 16, City Park big lake area. Sign in, 7:30 a.m.; 5K race, 8 a.m.; post-race party with food, New Orleans-own Son of Soul Mike “Soulman Baptiste. Registration: $30 through race day. www.womansnewlife.com. 496-0212.
LENTEN DATE NIGHT, Way of the Cross for Married Couples, March 16, 7:30 p.m. Hosted by New Orleans Catholic Engaged Encounter at St. Clement of Rome Church, 3978 West Esplanade Ave., Metairie. 286-4650. Send emails to [email protected]. Registration is appreciated.
MONTHLY PEACE MASS, St. Rita’s Mary Group/MIR, March 14, 7:30 p.m. Confessions, 6:30 p.m.; rosary, 7 p.m. Celebrant: Josephite Father Joseph Doyle. 7100 Jefferson Hwy., Harahan.
IRISH CHANNEL ST. PATRICK’S DAY CLUB, 65th annual Mass, March 16, noon, St. Mary’s Assumption Church, Constance at Josephine streets, New Orleans, followed by 1 p.m. parade, Felicity and Magazine streets. The club supports St. Michael Special School with its 12th annual Irish Channel block party March 14, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Annunciation Square Playground, 1522 Chippewa St. New Orleans. Food, beer, wine, soft drinks sold; music and Irish dancers. Off-street parking. www.irishchannelno.org.
DISCALCED CARMELITE SECULAR ORDER, meeting, March 17, 2 p.m. St. Stephen’s (Good Shepherd) rectory, 1025 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans. 469-3549.
SEELOS: DOCTOR OF SOULS, free one-man play detailing the life of Father Francis Xavier Seelos with Casey Groves, March 18, 7 p.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church/Shrine of St. Jude, 411 North Rampart St., New Orleans. 525-1551.
MARY QUEEN OF PEACE, March 12, Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM) shows film, “Reflections from the Heart of a Child,” 7 p.m., parish center library, 1501 West Causeway Approach, Mandeville. Guest speakers: addiction specialist Patrick M. Dowd, Tom Rowan, National Association for Mental Illness. Question-and-answer session follows. SAM Ministry provides education, prevention, referral and support for substance addiction. (985) 626-7905, [email protected]. Also, March 14: Theology of the Body, 5-part study, beginning March 14, 6:30 p.m., Room 11, parish center. [email protected].
ST. DAVID, parish Lenten Mission, March 12-14. Revivalist: Josephite Father Godwin Akpan. 5617 St. Claude Ave., New Orleans. 947-2853. Also Fish fry every Friday during Lent, noon-6 p.m., parish hall. Cost: $8.
ST. RITA, Father Delucca, a missionary from the Missionary Priests of the Blessed Sacrament, preaches on “The Gift of the Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration” at weekend Masses March 16-17. Holy Hour, March 17, 3-4 p.m., church, 7100 Jefferson Hwy., Harahan.
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, Christian Seder Meal, March 23, school cafeteria, following 5 p.m. Vigil Mass. Ceremonial ritual, 6:30 p.m. Reservations required by March 17; attendance limited to 100. Donations defray cost. Reservation forms are available in the church gathering space or call 656-2354, 394-0314. 8968 Hwy. 23, Belle Chasse.
PASSIONIST FATHER CEDRIC PISEGNA, “Live with Passion” mission, March 18-20, 7 p.m. He speaks at Masses March 16-17; morning Masses Monday-Wednesday, with mission preaching at 9:30 a.m. Divine Mercy Parish’s St. Elizabeth Church, 4119 St. Elizabeth Drive, Kenner. Father Pisegna is an inspirational speaker who has preached hundreds of retreats and missions nationwide over the past 20 years. He has a “Live with Passion!” TV show airing nationally and internationally on the Church Channel; a radio program “Live with Passion!” airing on Radio Maria and other stations. Father Cedric has produced a CD series, DVDs on Christian living and authored 16 books. www.frcedric.org.
ST. JOSEPH ACADEMY, Class of 1963 50th reunion, April 13 with Mass and cocktail party for spouses and guests at Holy Cross School, 5500 Paris Ave., New Orleans; and alumnae only April 14 at 10 a.m. for brunch at Chateau Golf and Country Club, 3600 Chateau Blvd., Kenner 283-7123.
ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, Class of ’63, 50-year reunion, April 20, 6-10 p.m. Smilie’s Restaurant, 5725 Jefferson Hwy., Harahan. Cost: $25. Mail checks to: June Seither Plauche, 2313 North Sibley, Metairie, LA w70003. 467-9429.
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