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Dear Young Church,
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!
It is hard to believe that a semester of this school year is already completed. I hope that you did well on your most recent report card and that you continue to commit yourself to the great gift of education.
As we prepare for Catholic Schools Week (observed both locally and nationally from Jan. 28-Feb. 3), I thank you for the many ways in which you commit yourself to education.
As you know, education in our Catholic schools is twofold.
• First of all, it is to help you to learn all that you need – both now and in the future.
• It is also an opportunity for you to be formed in faith so that you come to know Jesus in a personal way.
Please do not take for granted your parents’ sacrifices and love for you as they provide for you a Catholic education. Be sure to thank them for their love and care!
May I also suggest that you thank your specific teachers and your principal for the ways in which they show God’s love to you through your Catholic school or Parish School of Religion.
In the Scriptures, God tells us that wisdom is very important and talks generally about this topic. Jesus specifically talks about being his disciple, being a wise disciple and making good choices.
May I suggest as we celebrate this Catholic Schools Week and begin this New Year that you look back on 2023 and see the ways in which you have grown in faith and in wisdom. Thank God for those.
Also, it would be an opportunity to make a New Year’s resolution to recommit yourself to the great gift of education.
I must say that the older I get, the more I realize that I need to keep learning. I hope that you will realize this at the young age you are right now. We are never too old to learn; we learn from others; we learn from the love of God; we learn from our parents and teachers as they teach us how to live, how to love and how to forgive.
Happy New Year!
Wishing you God’s blessings, I am your brother in Christ,
Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond
Archbishop of New Orleans