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NOLACatholic Parenting Podcast
A natural progression of our weekly column in the Clarion Herald and blog
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Have you gotten any feedback from people after officially opening the 9th General Synod of the archdiocese?
Yes, I have. I want to mention, in particular, an incredibly moving letter I received from a woman, Mrs. Jacqueline Juge, who is in hospice care with Notre Dame Hospice. As I read her letter, I was deeply touched, and her sentiments almost brought me to tears. Mrs. Juge told me she had been reading about the upcoming synod in the Clarion Herald and was very interested in attending a town hall session to give her input, but because of her condition, she didn’t think she would be able to attend in person. Then she took the time to give me her thoughts on the church and what it means to her. She wrote about the many young people who have fallen away from the practice of their faith and how she hoped they could be welcomed to return, with us receiving them with open arms. She also touched on married life – about how so many Catholics have experienced the pain of divorce and feel alienated from the sacraments. She also reflected on the importance of women in the church – so many times it is the women, like St. Monica, who bring men into the practice of the faith through their prayer and example. She spoke lovingly about her home parish of Holy Spirit in Algiers. Mrs. Juge taught for many years in the People Program, which caters to people who are 50 years old and older. The knowledge of seniors is an untapped resource that can enrich our local church.
That must have been one of the most meaningful letters you have ever received.
It was. She is a great woman of faith, and she has a great love for the church. Even though she is in hospice care, preparing to go home to the Lord, she wanted to voice her support for the synod and also suggest some areas that she believes we, as church, need to give attention to in order to reach out to young people and to those who are struggling with family life. The letter says she not only has a love for Christ but also is in love with Christ’s mission in our local archdiocese. I viewed her letter with reverence, almost as though it was her last will and testament. I will take to heart her many suggestions, which come from a life of faith and devotion to the Lord.
What’s next for the synod?
The preparation and announcement phase of the synod went extremely well. Now we are preparing later this month for the first of 16 consultative sessions that will be held across the archdiocese. The first session will be held May 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Slidell. The consultative sessions are open to all Catholics (see clarionherald.org; click on 9th General Synod icon). The purpose of the sessions is to receive feedback from lay Catholics about what the archdiocese is doing well in ministry, what we could be doing better and perhaps what we should be doing that we are currently not doing. All the information we gather at these sessions will be compiled and evaluated so that at the end of the process, we can produce a short but measurable plan that will list three to five major priorities for ministry over the next few years.
What will the sessions be like?
I will be at every session to offer a welcome, an introductory prayer and make a few remarks. Then I will sit down and listen! We will ask those gathered for the session to reflect on three questions: what are we doing well as an archdiocese that helps you grow in your faith and relationship with the Lord; what are two specific areas of ministry that we could be doing better; what might God be calling us, as a local church, to do during the next several years? The meeting will be facilitated. People will have table conversations, and they will listen for common themes that emerge. Also, each individual will be able to write down his or her own thoughts so that we can collect those answers. Then we’ll have time for a large group discussion in which people will be able to briefly summarize what they heard at their table or offer an individual reflection. We’ll conclude with a prayer. I truly believe these will be very powerful meetings. I am personally inviting everyone to come and share their story and their faith. I believe the Spirit will move us into a focused discernment that will produce amazing grace in the years to come.
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